Before today, Erica had never peed or pooped in the potty chair or on the toilet. When asked if she would like to try, she has emphatically said, "No! I will use the potty chair when I am as tall as you, Mommy!"
Obviously, we needed a new approach. So, today we began a potty party. For the last couple of days, I have told Erica that starting today, she would wear underwear all day every day. And, there are treats - each time someone pees in the right place, they get one M'n'M - there's two for a number two. Erica tried to sneak in a new rule - 3 M'n'M's if you toot in the potty chair, but I vetoed that one. The boys also tried to work the rules, peeing only small amounts at a time so they could pee more often and qualify for more goodies. I was not fooled.
Overall, the day was a mixed success. Two pees in the potty chair with no pee accidents (except for a wet pull-up during naptime) and one poop in her underwear. Our little girl was VERY excited about her successes (we called daddy at work and grandpa to share the news). I told Erica she was the "top star" today and that she "rocks". So, she has happily been telling me over and over (and anyone else that will listen), "I rock. I am the top star." And, there were some tears over the poop accident. According to her, the accident was my fault because, as she explained, "I was in the garage and you weren't there and I didn't want to poop on the floor because you would be mad at me." Huh? My best translation is that she was in the garage and couldn't get the door to the house open by herself so she couldn't make it to the potty chair in time. But, that is just a guess.
All in all, I definitely think we're headed in the right direction. It's too early to predict total success, but it's a distinct possibility.
The bad news - I have not peed nearly enough to justify the number of M'n'M's that I have eaten. Even if the toot rule was in place, I've eaten way more than my share of treats. At this rate the very large bag of M'n'M's will be gone long before we can declare Erica potty-trained. I guess I have to start drinking more.