Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This and That

1 - It feels so good to have everyone HEALTHY again. It has once again been a long winter of illness - countless ear and upper respiratory infections, some stomach bugs, pneumonia for both Matt and Julia...it was rare day this winter that there wasn't at least one person sick in this house. Countless prayers have been said asking for good health, and I'm hopeful that we're through with the ick of winter (now if only the weather would stay warm...)

2 - Luke is potty trained!!! And, once it happened, it just happened. I could guess that it was the new Dora seat that we bought or the M 'n' M bribes or the quarters from Grandpa, Grandma and Mr. Morrow or making him wear underwear instead of Pull-ups or banning him from the Gator until he stayed dry. But, I think that none of those 'incentives' made a big difference. In the end, potty training happened when Luke thought it should happen, and not a day sooner.

3 - I'm going to lose 15 pounds this summer. Maybe putting it in writing will make me stick to it. I haven't been walking regularly (I'll blame that on the weather), but I'm ready to get my walking shoes back on. And, with my addiction to allrecipes.com, I should be able to find some yummy and healthy recipes. It sure would feel good to feel good.

4 - I LOVE my new camera. Even using the auto settings, it takes really nice pictures. Now, I just need to figure out f-stops and apertures so I can really master that beautiful piece of equipment.
5 - My kids really needed haircuts. Audrey and Mark came down this weekend, and Audrey gave them all a long-overdue cut. Erica had her first real haircut, and she did a pretty good job sitting still. Her hair was so wispy and fine, but I was still a little sad to see the length go. But, she looks like a little pixie girl with her new 'do.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Art Fair - Times Two

Sometimes it is not so easy to have kids attending two different elementary schools. Two sets of teachers and staff to figure out, two Christmas concerts, parent/teacher conferences in two places...just some logistical challenges.

Tonight was one of those duplicating nights - both Alex and Julia had their science and art fairs. We weren't sure what or if Julia would have any art projects on display because we're not sure how much time she spends in art class with the rest of her 5K friends. And, she couldn't point out her work or scope out the school in advance to find where her things were displayed. But, we the visit was a success. We found two of Julia's projects and several others done by her friends. We also ran into her classmate Caitlyn and her family - in fact, Julia is invited to her birthday party in a couple of weeks. After Julia's show, we went to Alex's. He had four projects in the show, and he's very proud of his work. He had a really neat picture of Pooh and Tigger, a banner, a name drawing and a googly eye picture (one character had a Pokemon tail...he is obsessed with Pokemon). Alex is always so excited to serve as the tour guide. We saw where Mrs. McCudden's room is (where he goes for his reading enrichment group). And, Alex took Luke to the bathroom - a success except Alex said he was so busy watching Luke to make sure he was okay, he peed on his shoes. Oh, my.

Even if it was a duplicating night, it was worth the double effort...now, what's going to happen when Luke and Erica hit the circuit?