2 - Luke is potty trained!!! And, once it happened, it just happened. I could guess that it was the new Dora seat that we bought or the M 'n' M bribes or the quarters from Grandpa, Grandma and Mr. Morrow or making him wear underwear instead of Pull-ups or banning him from the Gator until he stayed dry. But, I think that none of those 'incentives' made a big difference. In the end, potty training happened when Luke thought it should happen, and not a day sooner.
3 - I'm going to lose 15 pounds this summer. Maybe putting it in writing will make me stick to it. I haven't been walking regularly (I'll blame that on the weather), but I'm ready to get my walking shoes back on. And, with my addiction to allrecipes.com, I should be able to find some yummy and healthy recipes. It sure would feel good to feel good.
4 - I LOVE my new camera. Even using the auto settings, it takes really nice pictures. Now, I just need to figure out f-stops and apertures so I can really master that beautiful piece of equipment.
5 - My kids really needed haircuts. Audrey and Mark came down this weekend, and Audrey gave them all a long-overdue cut. Erica had her first real haircut, and she did a pretty good job sitting still. Her hair was so wispy and fine, but I was still a little sad to see the length go. But, she looks like a little pixie girl with her new 'do.4 - I LOVE my new camera. Even using the auto settings, it takes really nice pictures. Now, I just need to figure out f-stops and apertures so I can really master that beautiful piece of equipment.
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