Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Girl Stories

Julia has really been 'discovering' the right side of her body. Over the last few days, I've really noticed her looking towards her right. I love when she looks at me as I come to get her out of bed in the morning. And, she's looked to her right side to check things out in other positions, too.

And, tonight she spent some time grasping and even shaking a maraca. She gave it some big shakes with her left hand and some little shakes with her right hand. And, I must add it was hilarious to watch Erica try to put the maraca back into Julia's hand after she dropped it. Finally, after a couple of unsuccessful attempts at jamming it into Julia's fist, she announced, "Julia done." That Erica is quite the mother hen. It is absolutely heartwarming to see her love on Julia. As often as I think of how nice it would be if each of the kids could have their own room, I always end up more grateful for how close the girls are, due in part I'm sure to the special bond that comes from sharing sleeping space. Even the boys will typically turn off their fighting once they're in bed for the night. Turns out this house is just the right size.

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