Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Bad Week

I know it's only Tuesday, but this has not been a good week. So far:
  • Sunday - Matt took Julia for her weekly bloodwork and it took six pokes to draw enough blood. They were late getting home and we missed church.
  • Monday - Cooper nearly got run over by Julia's bus. Luckily the boys that ride the bus with Julia saw Cooper in the driveway and told the driver (not Anna) to stop.
  • Tuesday - Cooper went to the vet and got sick (carsick?) on the way home. He threw up all over Erica, her carseat and the backseat of the Camry. He has also been crying all day - the injection sites must be very sore and he is a big baby.
  • Tuesday - Luke almost got hit by a car as he was getting off the bus. Matt saw the whole thing happen, but only luck kept Luke from getting hit. Here's how it happened: Luke needed to go back on the bus because he had forgotten his coat and Matt crossed the street with him. Luke grabbed his coat, got off the bus and started running across the street. In the meantime, an old lady tried to go around the bus from behind - even though the lights were on and the stop sign was out. She will be getting a citation. She also heard harsh words from Matt.
  • Tuesday - Grandma Ertl died. She has been having failing health for the last month (since GI surgery on Labor Day where they removed 6-8 inches of small intestines), and she has been in hospice care for several days very near death. Her passing today was a blessing because she is now at peace. But, this comes so close on the heels of losing Grandma Maddie, and it seems like deja vu all over again. What a double whammie.

I would like to say things can only get better from here, but I'm a bit afraid to see what the rest of the week might bring.

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