Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crazy Girls? I Like Crazy Girls!

Two weeks ago, Erica was just starting to get really sick with viral bronchitis. It was eight o'clock on a Monday night, and Matt and I were just getting ready to watch some grown-up TV. Erica was upset and coughing so hard she threw up. After she started to settle down, I told her she could snuggle with me while we watched The Bachelor. To explain, I said "The Bachelor is a show where a bunch of crazy girls are all after the same guy." She paused for a split second and said, "Crazy girls? I like crazy girls."

A week later, we were loading up to take Julia to yet another doctor appointment. Erica sat in the back, Julia and Christa sat in the middle and I was driving. Then, Erica informs us that we are just like the crazy girls all riding on that bus. Um, yeah, it kind of was just like that - the bachelorettes were all riding in an RV in the episode we watched together, and our strange seating arrangement was sort of like that. And, in case you were wondering, she also remembered that the bachelor's name is Jake - seems we were watching quality adult TV with a three-year-old that was really paying attention.