Thursday, April 1, 2010

Luke Says the Darndest Things

About 3 weeks ago, Luke had to have a talk with the principal. On the bus ride to school, he called one of his 4K buddies a jackass. He seemed to think that was okay since his buddy called him a fat shark. To really top things off, the bus driver asked Alex to take Luke to the principal's office. Alex, who has never had to visit the principal himself, thought this was the best thing to ever happen at school. Should we be worried that Luke had his first trip to the principal's office while still in 4K?

Luke also has some girlfriends already. A few days ago, he told me he wanted to kiss Kina. I told him he was too young to be thinking about kissing girls. He responded that he would have to kiss her when they got married. I told him that wouldn't be for a long time. He said, "You mean like 50 years?" I'm not sure he will be able to wait that long since Ethan also wants to marry Kina. Luke seems to think he has the advantage over Ethan since: 1 - he's older than Ethan and 2 - he sits closer to Kina on the carpet (at least until they got new spots). But, Kina's not the only girl that boy has on his list. He also likes Kayla (he made sure to buy her a candy bar for her birthday with his own money), Hana (much older woman at age 12) - and, of course, Mom and Grandma!