Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Did I Really Just Hear That?

Tonight we went to Appleby's for dinner since it's Matt's birthday. The kids were really wired. Seems Grandpa and Grandma withheld food today, and they were starved and acting crazy. Just before our food arrived, the waiter brought us all some water. Alex said we had more volume of water on the table than we would have food. Luke then spits out one of his famous and hilarious one-liners..."That's okay, we'll just load our penises and jet-pack home."

Where does that kid come up with this stuff???

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Not Fair

I know it's not healthy to be in the 'It's not fair' line, but this week I've been throwing a little pity party for myself. It almost seems backwards since Julia's been having a really good string of days, but I have been in a foul mood. At this moment in time, I am just plain fed up. I don't want Julia to have to do extra nebulizer treatments each day, be on a heavy duty oral antibiotic and have another sinus surgery - all to resolve a problem we thought we fixed with the sinus surgery in May. Enough already. Especially since each of these treatment options comes at a price. The topical antibiotic/nebulizer treatments are difficult to administer and expensive. The Zyvox was hard to find and the dosage was wrong - pharmacist Mommy figured it out after two pharmacists and the doctor missed the dosing error. And we have to do bloodwork to make sure her platelets are okay. Another sinus surgery...ugh. Not to mention, we need to do another CT scan prior to surgery. Lately it seems I spend most days that I am not working either at Children's or on the phone with Children's. It is exhausting to keep up with all of the medical stuff. And, if truth be told, I am tired of having a nurse in our home every weekday. We completely appreciate all of the help they give us, but some days I just want to hang out in my jammies or act silly with my kids or read a book without feeling weird. Privacy. Down time. Family time. I miss those things.

Okay, I know it's time for the pity party to come to an end. Because as we've learned during these last eight and a half years, the 'It's not fair' line doesn't move. So, it's best to just move on. After all, I don't see Julia complaining, and she's the one who is most entitled to it. I guess it's time to go back to doing a gratitude journal again. Counting my blessings is sure to get me in a better mood, isn't it?